
Sunday 3 November 2013

Drop Everything and Read and the Grand ReOpening

Last week was a very busy week, and not just because it ended with Halloween! On Monday we had our DEAR event and our Grand ReOpening of the library. Why are those events important you ask? Especially since the library has been reopened for awhile now....Well the Grand ReOpening of the library was to say thank you to all the members of the Dixon community who were a big part of the library renovations. The volunteers who helped box up the books,to the workers who built of the the shelving units, to the teachers who had no library access for a month and of course to the PAC members who raised all the money for our beautiful new tables, new chairs and our giant carpet! A lot goes into any renovation, but this was a pretty special transformation for the community at Dixon Elementary to enjoy for many years to come.

DEAR is also a very important event that promotes life long readers and learners. University studies show that a love for reading greatly improves your academic abilities now and in the future. Contrary to what some may think, you do not need to read a specific genre to become a genius. Many students love what they love, and sometimes pushing them too far outside their comfort zone is not always a good idea. Some students may naturally love to read novels, whereas others love the facts and information they absorb while reading Non-Fiction books.  The most important thing is that students read for at least 15 minutes everyday, and that is what Drop Everything and Read is all about.

If you have any specific questions about home reading and different genres, please do not hesitate to call me or come by for a visit on the days that I work, which are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Keep reading!
Ms. Borthwick

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